Monday, May 10, 2021

Swimming pool water cleaning 101 - when, why, and how?

 Owning a swimming pool is a privilege. However, it comes with a lot of responsibilities as well. You cannot leave your swimming pool unattended for days and expect to come back to enjoy a clean pool.

Of course, we all slack off from time to time. After all, we are all humans and we cannot pay attention to one thing 24/7. But here’s the thing - if you don’t maintain your pool and clean its water on a regular basis, be prepared for a pool that’s too dirty and can’t be used for swimming.

Cleaning your pool water regularly is one of the most important things - and that too the right way. If you can’t do it yourself, we highly recommend hiring pool water cleaning services.

Why is pool water cleaning important?
Wondering why you have to go through all the trouble to clean your pool water when you add chlorine and other sanitizing chemicals? Well, Chlorine and other chemicals do help keep your pool water clean and walls, floor, and surrounding areas of your pool too, to a degree. However, they don’t keep the walls and floor clean indefinitely. Moreover, they also don’t keep bugs and other insects at bay.
Cleaning your pool water regularly ensures your pool is safe for use. Chemicals mixed with insects and other particles often increase the risk of infections and cross-contamination.

It maintains the chemical balance of your pool water
It also keeps your pool hardware in pristine condition
It also extends the life of your pool

Pool cleaning equipment
Before you get down to the business, it’s important to equip yourself with the right equipment. Here are the most important pool cleaning devices you must have to ensure a clean pool.

Telescopic Pole
- it is considered as the swiss army knife of pool cleaning. It allows you to attach a wide variety of things such as vacuum heads, brushes, skimmer nets, and more.
Skimmer net - it allows you to clean accumulated debris and other particles in the pool water
Pool brush - you can clean the walls and floor of your pool with a pool brush.
Pool vacuum - this comes really handy after a big thunderstorm.

When to clean your pool water?
If you want to keep your pool water clean, it is recommended to clean it every other day. There are certain things that you must do every day such as using a skimmer net to remove debris, leaves, and other types of sediments in the water. Whereas you can vacuum and clean the floor and walls twice a week.

Pool maintenance is a pretty labor-intensive job. So if you have a busy schedule, it is best to leave the job to the professionals and hire pool water cleaning services.

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