Thursday, December 17, 2020

Pool maintenance tips to keep your pool water clean

 There is no denying the fact that a private swimming pool in your home is a delight. Whether you want to have your friends over for a small gettogether on a hot summer day or looking to spend some quality “me-time”, a swimming pool is a must-have. However, owning a swimming pool is a great responsibility. On top of ensuring that your pool is functioning smoothly, you also need to make sure that it is maintained regularly.

A pool can quickly become a liability if you fail to take care of it and do your part to keep it in pristine condition. One of the most important things for maintaining a pool is to keep the pool water clean and maintain its chemical balance. If you are often too busy to maintain your pool, it’s best to leave the job to the professionals providing pool services in Staten Island.

Preventative maintenance will go a long way in extending the lifespan of your pool and reducing unnecessary expenditure on your pool. Moreover, maintaining your pool water will also eliminate the need to visit a store in an emergency for chemicals and other additives.

Here are some tips to keep your pool water sparkling clean throughout the year.

Maintaining pool chemistry
Thanks to the availability of test kits and strips, you can easily check your pool chemistry today. These kits and strips help you know how chemically balanced your pool water is right now. It is recommended to check pool chemistry at least twice every week during summer and once per week during cold months if it is in use. The pH level of your pool must be between 7.2 and 7.8 where 7.4 is the optimal level to build a safe and comfortable swimming experience. If the pH level is low, you need to cut down on the chlorine you add to the pool water.

Skimmer basket

There is a skimmer basket on the side of the pool that is installed to glide the surface of your pool before contaminants and debris become saturated, dense, and settle down in your pool. The ability to skim more stuff off the surface of the pool depends on how effective your skimmer is. To make your skimmer work at its best is to keep cleaning the skimmer basket every now and then.  

Clean the lint pot and hair
There is a dedicated area in your pool equipment that is added to collect debris that may escape past the skimmer basket. They are equipped inside your pump and need to be cleaned every couple of weeks.

Maintaining pool water can be a lot of work. Hiring pool cleaning water services in Staten Island gives you peace of mind knowing your pool is well taken care of and is always ready to be used whenever you like without putting in all the extra work.

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