Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Signs It's Time to Replace Your Swimming Pool Liner

Having a swimming pool in your home is not just about prestige or luxury. A swimming pool comes with a lot of responsibilities such as cleaning, maintenance, repair, and replacement. Besides regular maintenance, timely swimming pool liner replacement is the next important thing. As a matter of fact, pool liner replacement is not cheap. This is why most pool owners tend to ignore the most common signs. Not replacing your pool liner in time can lead to many serious problems. Therefore, it’s best to observe any signs for pool liner replacement. If you don’t know what these signs are, we are here to help.

swimming pool liner replacement

Here are some important signs to look out for
  • Cracks and rips 
When you start to notice cracks and rips in your pool liner, it is a sure shot sign that it’s time to replace your liner. The pool chemicals that keep water safe to use and the UV radiation of the Sun tend to deteriorate vinyl pool liners. Due to daily wear and tear, pool liners can experience extensive damage, causing the liner to become brittle. Once they are brittle, they begin to rip and crack, causing water leakage in your pool. Thus, if you notice any cracks and rips in your pool liner, it’s best to call the experts for liner replacement.
  • Fading or staining 
Fading and staining are other common signs of chemical and UV radiation damage. Even though the vast majority of pool liners are UV radiation resistant, they are not entirely immune to it. Over time, you may start to notice fading in the finish of the liner as well as the plasticizers. Fading or staining in your pool liner is a good sign to know that your pool liner is becoming delicate and requires replacement.
  • Water loss 
Fading, cracks, and rips are not usually easy to spot, especially when they are way below the surface of the water. Another good way to understand whether your pool liner needs replacement is to check the level of your pool water. Since damaged pool liners cause water leakage, your pool will lose water gradually. This is especially true in the case of a 10-year-old pool liner. So look out for your pool water level.

While swimming pool liner replacement can be quite expensive, not replacing it can make the condition of your pool even worse. Thus, it’s always recommended to never ignore these signs and make an informed decision as soon as you notice any of the above-mentioned signs.

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