Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Best ways to get rid of pool winter problems

Many must find it weird to read but it is more important to take care of your pools in winter than in summer. Of course, you won't be using it in winter but never forget your outdoor pool is prone to many other external issues than just getting dirty. Moreover, places where winters are quite severe and the temperature is even zero degrees, there are a possibility that your drainage or supply pipes might get damaged due to cracks. Even the exposed parts of the filter and supply system get oxidized because of air and sun. Thus, it's quite necessary that you must get in touch with a proficient expert for pool service in Staten Island for quality services.    

Here are a few winter pool problems that you need to avoid.

Chilling casualties
- Not obvious to remind that water expands about 9% when it freezes. This becomes worse for pipes, skimmers and pool equipment. The increase in pressure can cause the lines to burst and might make a hole in your pocket when you get them repaired. Fortunately, there are many ways you can avoid these issues such as by properly blowing out your pool skimmer and return lines, rest you can take the help of proficient experts.

Cover catastrophe - The covers with holes can be a serious problem to keep your pool protected for a long time. Due to contraction and expansion or due to age or wear and tear, these holes can expand and give way to more debris to penetrate and make your pool water dirtier.     

Conclusion -

You might have faced any of these or almost all of these (if your pool is old), thus it makes sense that you get in touch with the experts for quality pool service in Staten Island. If you are looking for professional experts for new pool installation in Staten Island then you can get in touch with Fuggetta Pools.

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