Sunday, July 21, 2019

Popular Types Of Safety Fence For Your Swimming Pool

Pool and safety fence go hand in hand. The concept of pool safety fence in Staten Island, NY, has evolved in various ways. Unlike in the past where pool fences were used only for safety purpose but today, they are Installed for safety as well as increasing the aesthetic appeal.

Over the past few years, more importance has been given to pool fence as they save lives. Even the New York Department of Building have made it mandatory to install safety fence around the inground pool.

If you’re looking for fence options to install for your pool, here are the most popular you can consider.

Ornamental aluminum -
One of the most popular types of pool fencing that is commonly found in various countries is ornamental aluminum. This type of fencing not only looks elegant but also is a durable option. The ornamental aluminum is usually coated with a dry powder, which is a free-flowing agent when applied. This process is called powder coating and is not the same as the regular liquid paint.

Apart from the ornamental aluminum, another popular swimming pool fencing is PVC. When it comes to PVC, it is available in two primary styles, such as standard fence with 48 to 54-inch height and privacy fence, which is 6 to 7-inch tall. There are many privacy fences that comes with Picket Cap to improve ornamental value.

Wood - Well, wood is a tried and tested building material. And this has been the common fence material for the used swimming pool for years. However, over the last decade, the use of wood for pool fencing has been overshadowed by PVC and aluminum as they are low-maintenance construction materials. Still, every year, there are several homeowners who choose wood fences for their swimming pools.

Hopefully, this post will help you make the right choice for pool safety fence in Staten Island, NY. These are some of the common types of pool fence, and you can choose as per your preference and needs. 

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